čtvrtek 27. února 2014


Charlie and Lola are:
a) cousins
b) brother and sister
c) grandma and grandpa

Charlie says Lola is:
a) big and noisy
b) stupid and always hungry
c) smart but lazy
d) smart and funny

Getting Lola to bed is
a) an easy task
b) impossible
c) a hard job

Lola likes to
a) play football at night
b) eat a can of sausages every night
c) stay up late
d) drink a pint of beer

What Lola likes to do instead of going to bed?

Lola says she will be awake at
a) noon
b) midnight

Charlie says
a) everyone is awake by midnight
b) everyone is tired by midnight
c) everyone is happy at night

Lola says Mrs Tiger has to go
a) to bed
b) shopping
c) swimming

Charlie offers to Lola
a) a bedtime story
b) a bedtime sandwich
c) a bedtime drink

The lion uses
a) Cherlie´s toothbrush
b) Lola´s toothbrush

Lola says she can´t go to bath because
a) she is not dirty
b) of the whales
c) the sharks
d) she doesn´t like water

Charlie says
a) Lola will be punished if she doesn´t find her pyjamas
b) Lola will be invited to a dogs´pyjamas party if she wears her pyjamas

What animals are sleeping at the end of this story?

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